Project Description

Senior Citizens services

Every age has its beauty.

That’s why a new perspective is needed

from which to observe life with a smile and to live it in harmony with ourselves

          La vita disegnata su misura per te

In the services for senior citizens developed by Life Suit  for Codess Sociale you can find the most suitable life-dimension for you, where seniority becomes a luxury from which to start again on a new existential path respectful of your person.

We organize your daily life by bringing services for the elderly at home, in a private and public system, in day care centres, where the elderly can spend the day socializing with other elderly people and our workers and then return in the evening to their homes and residences, these last through the direct management of their own structures, both private and under convention and accreditation.

Residences for senior citizens

Day Centres

The services for the elderly are distributed across the regional realities pertaining to Codess Sociale and respond to the need for care and well-being of the person and family support. Specifically, the services of Codess Sociale are aimed at the elderly person who is not functionally or psychologically self-sufficient, the elderly person who is partially sufficient and also the elderly person who is self-sufficient but who needs certain services that we can guarantee with home services or in light residential care.